Giving Back To Our Landowners

Over 18,000 private property owners across Ontario generously allow OFSC trails to cross their land. Many snowmobilers show their appreciation by staying on the marked trail – and some do more than that. Here’s one heart-warming story spotted on social media this week, that went something like this:

“Our family were 12 miles into our journey riding a trail on private land, when we spotted a pickup truck stuck in a driveway by snow drifts from all of the winds. What to do? Well, I listened to my son who comes on the helmet intercom and says, “Dad, we should stop and help her shovel out”. I reply, testing him a bit with “It’s a really long driveway dude”, and he replies with “it’s probably the land owner” – so off three of us go to shovel (and shovel and shovel) – and sure enough, while shoveling she shares that she owns the 60 acre field (that the trail crosses) and 40 acres of woods it also goes through!

When we finish, she says “I wish I had something I could give you all”, and we reply with “You already have – thank you and your family for letting us ride on your land!”

This was a proud moment for me as a rider and even more proud as a father that the first suggestion for this good deed came unprompted from my 20-year old son and assisted by my 18-year old! Remember we are on their land as a privilege not a right – and little good deeds to lend a hand when a landowner needs one as we are passing through can increase the odds of our trail riding continuing for the younger generations!”

Do you have any stories about helping out a landowner? We’d love to hear them , so please send them here.