A Welcomed Relief!

After provincial lockdowns, the monotony of home schooling and remote work, the ability to escape onto a trail for an hour or a day was a welcomed relief. My family would typically have two winter trips but due to the increased restrictions, that was impossible. Snowmobiling provided a sense of normalcy and contributed to our mental wellness during an unprecedented winter. One of the highlights for me was my 12 year old son completing the online snowmobile course so we could ride together and share a common interest! His display of safety and responsibility made me proud.

I also enjoyed the trip that my wife and two friends planned to Muskoka Brewery in late February using the Go Snowmobiling Ontario app. What we thought was going to be a few hours, turned into a 9hr day! What made this experience most memorable was being able to do something, anything that seemed normal with family and friends and getting a much needed escape.

I welcome the return of the winter so that we can explore other destinations in 2022! 

Story and Photo Provided by: Jason Z.